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Outreachy report #33: May 2022

We spent a lot of time on intern selections this month, so this is a shorter report than usual.

✨ Team highlights

  • We selected new 67 interns for the May 2022 cohort: After a long and exhausting selection process where we found many selected applications to be ineligible, we selected 67 interns! They joined us last week and they’re a lovely cohort!
  • Omotola and I hosted our first intern chat: Our first intern chat happened on May 31. We talked about working remotely: its pros and cons, our strategies to keep ourselves productive and communicative with our team, their general expectations for the internship. We had a great time!
  • Omotola and I talked about how to tie intern chat subjects to our social media strategy: Omotola saw an opportunity to reuse our intern chat subjects to keep engaging our general community on social media platforms. We did our trial run on Twitter and LinkedIn with polls and posts on working remotely.

🔮 Improvements for the future

  • We’re improving Outreachy’s onboarding process: We have a lot of room to improve how we welcome new team members. On our April retrospective, we reflected on how to structure one or two weeks worth of training and what documentation needs to be throughoutly reviewed or improved before someone joins the team.
  • I’m back to university, and taking several courses to fill a few gaps in our team: After a 6 month break, I resumed my studies. I’m taking three classes that are extremely relevant to my work as an Outreachy organizer: Databases, Requirements Engineering, and Human-Computer Interaction. I’m hoping the last two will help us make much needed improvements to our website.